Thursday, October 08, 2009

Interleague scheduling oddity: White Sox vs. Nationals in 2010

It's October--baseball playoff time--but for fans of teams who did not make it to this round of our national past time--such as myself, it's time to take a close look at 2010.

On June 18, 19, and 20, the Chicago White Sox will play their first games in Washington since 1971. The South Siders have been paired with the Nationals in an interleague match up. After regional contests are booked, such as the White Sox and Chicago Cubs, the St. Louis Cardinals and the Kansas City Royals, Major League Baseball fills in the remainder of the interleague matchups in the interest of variety and excitement. This does not explain why the White Sox seem to play the "exciting" Pittsburgh Pirates every year.

But what about the Nationals? The White Sox playing in Our Nation's Capital. Did the woeful Nats request to host the series, hoping that rumors will take flight that President Obama--a White Sox fan--will attend one of the games, and fill otherwise empty seats?

Just wondering.

By the way, I've been meaning to post about Obama's baseball loyalties for a while. When did he become a White Sox fan? Was it a conversion for political convenience?

While growing up in Hawaii, who were Obama's favorite sports teams?

Just wondering.

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