Friday, October 16, 2009

Giannoulias targeted over lack of disclosure

This news isn't surprising to me. While a loan officer at his family owned bank, Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias never gave complete answers about loans made to alleged mobsters. Yesterday Senate Democratic Senate candidate David Hoffman released his finanical disclosure statement. But Giannoulias, a Chicago Democrat who is also running for Sentate, still has not.

Here's what Crain's Chicago Business says:

"The personal finances of each candidate should be of interest to voters, especially given the serious concerns that have been raised about the shareholders of Broadway Bank -- 100% owned by the Giannoulias family-- who pulled $70 million in dividends out of the bank just as increased loan defaults put the family's bank on shaky financial ground, according to a recently published report" in Crain's Chicago Business, Mr. Hoffman said in a statement.

"It's a simple request -- full and complete transparency of personal tax returns," the statement added.

The Giannoulias campaign did not immediately respond. Nor did a third Dem candidate, Cheryle Jackson, who was not referenced in Mr. Hoffman's statement.

Liz Mair has more.

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