This is Illinois, not Texas...it's a big deal.
In a press release, the Giannoulias campaign is spinning the news, claiming the Chicagoan "is the first U.S. Senate candidate in Illinois history to refuse contributions from corporate PACs and federal lobbyists." It goes on to state that Kirk, who has represented a Chicago North Shore district since 2001, has received over $3 million in political action committee money.
But the Center for Responsive Politics reports that Giannoulias, who is Illinois' treasurer, collected over $500,000 from PACs from 2006-2008, and for his US Senate run, Alexi has collected over $18,000 in PAC cash.
You see, Giannoulias has not sworn off PAC money from labor unions. And last month the Democrat sought and received the endorsement of the Service Employees International Union, which until recently had close ties to disgraced community organizing group ACORN.
So Alexi denounces Kirk. Will he also blow the whistle on Sen. Dick Durbin? He accepts PAC dough. How about Democratic congressmen Bill Foster and Mike Quigley? Not only do they accept PAC donations, they've endorsed Giannoulias Senate run.
Related posts:
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Flashback: SEIU prez met with Blago on day before election
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Hannity's report on Alexi Giannoulias
Banking headaches for Alexi Giannoulias and kin
Alexi Giannoulias: Not so transparent
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Obama's "sweetheart" mortgage: Was the competing lender Broadway Bank?
Obama, Alexi, and Broadway Bank
Coincidences and the Las Vegas Rezko arrest warrant
Obama's state treasurer pal needs a memory upgrade
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After yesterday how can any person in good faith vote for a republican. Maybe they should quit listening and start researching.
Yesterday the senate republicans almost in mass voted for rape. Yes they voted for rape. While they stand and give speeches on how the new health care plan will fund abortions because it doesn't say no payments for abortion even though that is already in law. These great two faced gentlemen voted against an amendment not to give any defense contractor money if they didn't allow women to go to court after being raped by putting a clause in their contract preventing it.
It's ok to play the anti democrat game the other side plays the anti republican game. You don't have to agree with the progressives you can believe that after eight years of record deficit spending that the republicans would have spent less, if your that naive, and of course you believe in death panels, I do they're called insurance companies. But those of you that call yourself Christians can answer this question " where in the Ten Commandments does it say that kill is worse than covet?
Folks your voting for the party that gave millions of dollars to the tobacco industry. The party that gave millions of dollars to oil companies, the party that believes that if left unchecked companies won't steal you blind, and now the party that doesn't already let you be raped in the pocketbook now want to let you just be raped.
What legislation are you referring to?
Eight years of "record defict spending" compared to Obama's nine months of much worse?
Peace and love...
Anywhere except "Bizzaro world", just showing a photo of someone standing next to that corrupt jerk would be cause for termination of a candidacy...
Not in Illinois!
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