Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dems nervous about Alexi Giannoulias

On Saturday the Washington Post took a look at February's Democratic Primary for US Senate in Illinois, and it reported that some Democrats were nervous about the prospect of State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias winning that race.

But the post just scratched the surface in regards to why they are tense. Yes, it mentioned that covicted political swindler Antoin "Tony" Rezko was a customer of Broadway Bank, which is owned by the Giannoulias family--and where Alexi was an officer, but left out the bank's mob loans. While state treasurer, proceeds from a money-losing college savings program were used to buy a $26,000 SUV.

Giannoulias touts his experience as "a community banker" on his web site, but does not mention Broadway Bank by name, which is now on shaky ground, which led some of his family members to pull $70 million out of the institution.

Yesterday Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Chicago) endorsed Urban League President Cheryle Jackson, who once served as communications director for disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Also running is first-time office seeker David Hoffman, Chicago's former inspector general.

Related post:

Giannoulias targeted over lack of disclosure

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