Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spread the wealth around, take the day off from work on Election Day

Barack Obama, the potential "redistributor in chief," wants his supporters to skip work on Election Day.

That's an appropriate position for Obama. His supporters can organize, while the rest of the America makes a contribution to the economy.

Spread the wealth.

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Anonymous said...

How much would it cost the American economy if every business was forced to shut down because half of the work force didn't show up? This just another nail in the coffin of Hussein O, the anti-american.

Anonymous said...

...Why isn't John McCain asking his supporters to help him on Election Day?

Oops. He is. At every rally he has.

...It's as if you've never seen an election happen, John. Volunteers from all political parties (major and minor) take Election Day and Primary Day as vacation days in order to help out.

Welcome to America, where we get to do this thing called "run a democracy". You might want to try it sometime, John.