In regards to Schakowsky, there is much to criticize.
Her husband, Robert Creamer, spent five months in federal prison two years ago after pleading guilty to kiting checks while he was the executive director of the goody-goody consumer advocacy group, the Illinois Public Action Council. Although she was not accused of any wrongdoing, Schakowsky served on the organization's board of directors was while hubby was acting the official kite runner.
While appearing on a local public affairs program, Schakowsky made it clear she's interested in replacing Barack Obama in the Senate--if the junior senator from Illinois is elected president--something I don't foresee happening.
(Yes, I'm a John McCain supporter, but I just can't see Obama, post-Rev. Wright, putting together a majority in the general election.)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. is also interested in the seat.
As in other states, once there is a Senate vacancy, the governor appoints a replacement, and a special election follows.
Rod Blagojevich, the unpopular Chicago Democrat, would pick the new senator. And as a "Blago" appointee, that person will have fight off attacks of being Blagojevich's pal.
Who would be well-positioned to replace Schakowsky in the House. Tom Mannis of The Bench, and I agree with him, thinks it could be North Side Chicago Alderman Joe Moore, who wastes his time pushing national issues while his run-down ward gets the short-end of city services.
Anne at Backyard Conservative and Tom at The Bench have more.
Related posts:
Liberals laud book by ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Ex-con and congresswoman's husband Creamer taught at Camp Obama
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This poor woman needs a career change.
Anne Leary at Backyard Conservative has stepped up to help her do just that in the November Elections.
Blago on the other hand could become a Maverick and work for School Choice!
I gotta wonder - Jan and Hubby Bob must really be very close to Stuart Levine:
"Mazel Tov to you, Stuart, on this special occasion," wrote Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky in another letter included in the program. "Your strong philanthropic efforts and outstanding leadership have contributed greatly to the Chicago area and beyond."
you're an idiot.
Patshickey is an idiot, along
with all the other Pundit
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