Now we have "Hope," which is wonderful tonic for a candidate who has gotten just one of his bill enacted into law since entering the Senate in 2005. Last month the National Journal analyzed Senate votes, and it determined that Barack Obama was the nation's most liberal senator in 2007.
Creamer writes in The Huffington Post:
Then came Obama, with his ability to inspire Americans to devote themselves to our values in a way that resonates with average people. His self-confident appeal to hope and possibility -- his "yes we can" -- have captured the imagination of millions of Americans. His ability to inspire has allowed him to simultaneously engage swing "persuadable" voters and the millions of stay-at-home "mobilizable" voters who would support progressive candidates if they could just be motivated to vote.
People want to be inspired. Inspiration is about making people feel empowered to be more than they are. They want to be inspired because they desperately want meaning in their lives. They want to be part of something larger than themselves and they want to feel that they can play a significant part in that larger purpose.
Meaning comes from being devoted to something outside of yourself -- to a cause, to a person, to a religion, to your art.
In 2006, Creamer served a five month sentence for check-kiting and tax evasion. As I blogged last week, last year Tom Roeser discovered that Creamer was working as an instructor for Camp Obama, an training conference for Obama volunteers. He did his time, but voters who haven't caught the "Hope" but want to know what role, paid or unpaid, does Creamer, who is the husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), have in the Obama campaign.
I hope I get to find out.
Related post:
Ex-con Creamer gushes about Obama in Huffington Post
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The more Bob 'Terra Haute Cuisine'Creamer and other extreme meatheads slither around Barack Obama's campaign, the less the opportunity Barack will have to unpack in the Lincoln Bedroom and hook up the cable in the Oval Office.
MP, you are SO full of it.
When Righties like you say "they want to shrink the federal government so they can drown it in a bathtub" what they are really saying is they want to take America... back to pre-New Deal 1920s, to the age of boom-and-bust, segregation (and lynch-mob terrorism), and THE GREAT DEPRESSION.
Sorry, if you want to protect people's BANK ACCOUNTS and life-time savings from PREDATORY financial criminals... you will just HAVE TO _REGULATE_ banks, and create government entities like the beloved FDIC. (Gives people confidence their savings are insured.)
You Righties SAY that you are against "SOCIALISM" and welfare bailouts, but there are BEAR STEARNS, JP MORGAN, CITI, GOLDMAN SACHS, and all the other Big Boys on Wall St. ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of fed infusion of cash to PROP UP their whole damn house of cards.
Speaking of "SOCIALISM" the ENTIRE AMERICAN LIFESTYLE is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on SOCIALIZED big government spending... it is called our PUBLIC roads and HIGHWAYS, which make many very _conservative_ industries and companies wealthy, from real-estate developers and construction companies, to retail stores, to auto and oil companies, etc.
Ironic, is it not, that some of America's most reactionary "conservative" companies are ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on our SOCIALIZED transportation infrastructure?
Let's also look at your self-declared "conservative" expertise on National Security. Bush and Cheney did nothing, not one thing, in long summer of 2001 to make the 9-11 terrorists plot EVEN A LITTLE MORE DIFFICULT. Bush stayed on a ONE MONTH VACATION, IGNORING REPEATED CIA and FBI warnings that Al Qaida was going to "top" their Oct. 2000 bomb attack on the USS Cole with a more spectacular attack, probably in America. Bush and Cheney did NOTHING to avenge the crewmen killed on the Cole for 9 long months.
Then Bush allowed bin Laden to escape Tora Bora; then Bush said "I'M NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM [bin Laden] ANY MORE" - even as he used the BOGUS, BS, MADE-UP excuse of a bin Laden-Saddam connection as an EXCUSE to attack Iraq!
Then of course they turned the Iraq invasion into an in-your-face corruption orgy, while Cheney continues to get Halliburton stock "deferred compensation", and Halliburton ships its company headquarters..... of to Dubai!
OH - and then there are the BUSH DEFICITS, just like daddy Bush deficits led to the 1991 Bush1 RECESSION. DEFICITS are a BACK-DOOR TAX: when the government PRINTS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of new bills, it makes the $100,000 of cash you have sitting in your bank account WORTH LESS.
Not to mention, the INSANITY of TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH, in TIME OF WAR.
Let's examine THAT a little closer:
#1. Tax-cuts for rich means EVERYONE ELSE must pick up MORE of the burden;
#2. IN TIME OF WAR, means there is a MUCH BIGGER TAX BURDEN..
#3. while OUTSOURCING US JOBS.. means less people can pay taxes, meaning MORE burden on those who can;
#4. while doing DEFICIT SPENDING - instead of "TAX AND SPEND" BushCo is about "BURROW AND SPEND"!
#5. INTEREST ON ALL THOSE DEFICITS is _ANOTHER_ whammy bill that those Americans who are actually PAYING taxes, are forced to bear.
Your so-called "TAX CUTS" president, is actually about a QUINTUPLE WHAMMY of MORE TAXES that working-stiff Americans MUST PAY!
Got that, MP? On BOTH signature issue of "CONSERVATISM" you all are liars: on NATIONAL SECURITY bin Laden STILL ROAMS FREE 7 years and ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of US wars later; and your so-called TAX CUTS are really MONSTER DEFICITS and BACK-DOOR TAXES (WHILE, mind you, SHIPPING GOOD AMERICAN JOBS, AND Technology, OVERSEAS!"
Bush's BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of DEFICITS:
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