These days, though, Antoin "Tony" Rezko is sharing underwear with other inmates while in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, his lawyer said Tuesday.
"It's just disgusting," attorney Joseph Duffy said as he pleaded with a federal judge to release Rezko to home confinement with a special protection team before his public corruption trial begins in two weeks. "It's just a real degrading way for anybody to try to survive."
Rezko once appeared in court in pinstriped power suits. On Tuesday, he appeared unkempt, unshaven and in a wrinkled orange jumpsuit. He held his face in his hands as he sat in the courtroom.
Luckily I've not spend a minute in jail or in prison, so I'm unaware of the laundry situation in these institutions.
I might be going out on a limb here, but if I'm reading this right, according to Duffy, Rezko is being forced to wear dirty underwear while being in incarcerated in Chicago's Metropolitan Correctional Center. Filthy undies worn by someone else first? Yes, that is disgusting.
Or is the Wilmette businessman being compelled to wear someone else's underwear after being washed, presumably in hot water and with bleach. Personally, I prefer my own clean underwear, and I'm not alone in this thought. Go to a rummage sale or a flea market. You'll find used shirts, pants, and dresses on sale, but not secondhand underwear.
It's jail, counselor. Rezko, violated his bail agreement.
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Tony, Go Apache! Underwear's for Squares!
Eschew the the confinement and constriction/ of another Man's undies until your conviction!
Be free!
Be Flahy!
For God's sake - Go Apache!
Are they standard issue in "the joint?"
I'll ask my Bob Creamer.
Sympathy: Its between Shit and Syphilis in the dictionary.
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