Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Texas liberal Tweets about trip to downtown Chicago and sarcastically calls it a "terrifying hellscape," but he's there in daytime, doesn't visit high crime areas

"Its's a terrifying scene," a concerned parent in [sic] North Texas says in an X Tweet, "you can see it's all but abandoned."

The "concerned parent" is Zach Freeman, and he visited what appears to be a one-square-mile swath of downtown Chicago, and he's snarkily called it a "terrifying hellscape."

Freeman wasn't in Chicago for the April "wilding" that took place where he recorded his video Tweet--and the spring riot occurred at night. 

Nor did Freeman visit Chicago's high crime areas, which include, but aren't limited to, Austin, Englewood, and both East and West Garfield Park. Hey dere, Freeman, there are tons of abandoned buildings there, if you bother to click on my links you'll see just a few of them.

As you will see, I've visited all these rough neighborhoods.

Freeman? Freeman?

For a realistic look at America's third largest, for now, city, I recommend to you CWB Chicago and Hey Jackass.

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