Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Oregonian replaces "mostly peaceful protest" with "mostly calm"

The left-wing media is a stubborn lot. For the most part, in their efforts to minimize the violent protests and riots by people they sympathize with, they've been calling such incidents "mostly peaceful" for years. 

Such artful wordplay goes back to the occupy movement. "Mostly peaceful" has largely been dropped by the most of the media--but only after repeated ridicule on social media platforms such as Twitter and Parler. #MostlyPeaceful is a popular hashtag used by conservatives in posts about rioting.

Today, in describing a Sunday violent gathering in Portland the Oregonian devised a new term, "mostly calm." 

They're persistent, that's for sure.

They're also losing audience and paying customers. Why not focus instead on simply reporting the news?

Related post of mine at Da Tech Guy: 

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