Monday, January 20, 2020

Chicago Tribune staffers begging for new owners

The mainstream media has no sense of dignity. If you don't like your job, quit. If your industry is fading away, find a new field.

You are not owed a living.

Oh, note the editorializing in the third paragraph. Yet the article I excerpted from was not labeled as "opinion."

From CNN Business:
Reporters at the Chicago Tribune are trying to find a new owner for their newspaper.

They’re doing it because they’re afraid of Alden Global Capital’s plans for all of the papers owned by Tribune Publishing.

Alden, a New York-based hedge fund, recently became the largest shareholder in the struggling publishing company. Alden has a terrible reputation in the newspaper industry due to its history of slashing jobs and sucking up short-term profits from other papers it controls.

“We’re doing everything in our power to try to stop them,” Gary Marx, a 31-year veteran of the Chicago Tribune, told CNN Business.
If you feel compelled to get your message out--start a blog. It's not that hard to do.

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