Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Politifact Illinois on Rauner's claim that Ives is a Madigan lackey: Pants on Fire!

Liar, liar, pants on fire! Bruce Rauner,of Illinois come collect your award.

Bruce Rauner, who National Review says is the worst Republican governor in nation, has been running ads against his conservative opponent, Jeanne Ives, who I support, with the ludicrous claim that she is a "lackey" for Democratic party boss and state House "speaker for life" Michael Madigan.

Politifact Illinois gives Rauner its highest rating for untruth, Pants on Fire.

From its site:
Rauner’s campaign ad said: "Who’s really behind Jeanne Ives’ campaign for governor? Mike Madigan’s corrupt insider machine. They’ve bankrolled her campaign with thousands in shady labor union cash, turning Ives into another Madigan lackey."

A political committee that has supported Michael Madigan and a number of other politicians of both parties gave money to Jeanne Ives. And records show the contributions to Ives total $6,900, a far cry from the $2.5 million she has received from a conservative businessman who once was a major donor to Rauner.

Ives was once a loyal supporter of Rauner in the Illinois House, but broke with the governor last year because she claimed he had become too liberal on social issues. Central to her complaint was Rauner’s signing of abortion rights and immigrant rights legislation that Ives opposed and Madigan backed.

That is hardly a portrait of a Madigan lackey. Indeed, it is the opposite.
From my post at Da Tech Guy:

I want to Bring Back Illinois, which is why I support Jeanne Ives for governor

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