Friday, October 06, 2017

Hated Crook County soda tax will go flat

Victory is at hand as opponents on the Cook County Board of Supervisors have lined up enough votes to repeal the one-cent-per-ounce sweetened beverage tax. Enough of them have wised up and the tax, barring an unexpected reversal, will go flat in December. The vote will occur next week.

This is a significant victory for the five million overtaxed Cook County residents, the majority of whom got what they deserved, I'd like to point out. By putting a leftist in charge of county government--onetime Chicago alderman Toni "Taxwinkle" Preckwinkle--of course voters shouldn't be surprised by having their pockets picked, first by bringing back a despised one-percent sales tax and now this pop tax.

Now patriots need to get the message out on why Taxwinkle needs that money. The first reason is for underfunded but bountiful pensions for county employees that are unaffordable. A Cook County bankruptcy or bankruptcy in all-but-name will solve that problem. The second reason? Preckwinkle is building a free health care network for illegal aliens and for people who probably can get jobs but don't. Who pays for Taxwinkle's generosity? Hardworking Cook County residents, that is who.

It Taxwinkle doesn't downsize county government she will seek another way to fund it. But this is only a partial victory, my friends. A sweet one, yes.

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