Saturday, September 17, 2016

(Video) Sanders at Clinton rally: Unemployment is much higher than what is officially reported

Hillary Rodham Clinton took another day off from the campaign trail today. Speaking on her behalf in Akron, Ohio today was Bernie Sanders, who ripped the Obama economy.

"Real unemployment in this country is a lot higher than the official unemployment" Sanders said at the Buckeye State Clinton rally as he gestured quotation marks on both hands, "because official unemployment doesn't include those people who have given up looking for work or working part time."

Clinton is running for Obama's third term. And those part-time jobs are a big part of Obama's legacy, as ObamaCare rules favor the hiring of part-timers over full-time workers.

Donald Trump wants to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Hillary favors the status quo.

Could it be that Bernie Sanders is ready for Trump Autumn?

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