Tuesday, April 12, 2016

AG daughter of IL Democratic boss may ask state Supreme to stop state employee paychecks

Lisa Madigan, a Chicago Democrat, is the attorney general of Illinois. Her father is Michael Madigan, the chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party who has been speaker of the state House for 30 of the last 32 years. The elder Madigan is locked in a budget standoff with Republican reformer Bruce Rauner, the first governor to win a majority of the Illinois vote since 2002.

Mike Madigan is the midwife of Illinois' budget and pension fiasco. And now Lisa is joining in the fight.

From Fox Chicago:
Governor Bruce Rauner predicts Democrats will now move to force a total shutdown of Illinois state government, and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan confirms that.

She may, indeed, ask the Illinois Supreme Court to stop state employee paychecks.

Illinois is in the 10th month with no state budget and still the vast bureaucracy rolls on, spending billions of dollars more than it's taking in. Pain so far has been isolated, but the governor says it's about to spread.

"The attorney general's gonna try to cut off the pay to state workers to try to force a crisis, force a shutdown of government to try to force a tax hike," Rauner said.

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