Sunday, November 08, 2015

Politico hack admits fabricating Ben Carson story

Hack liberal journalism is alive and well in America.

From the Federalist:
Politico's Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

In a story published early on Friday, Politico's Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined "Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship" with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described."

There were at least five major problems with the story:
  • The headline was completely false
  • The subhed was also completely false
  • The opening paragraph was false false false
  • The substance of the piece was missing key exonerating information
  • The article demonstrated confusion about service academy admissions and benefits
For the uninitiated, Politico claims to be a centrist news source. It is, if your definition of centrist is somewhere between Hillary Clinton and socialist Bernie Sanders.

Why is Kyle Cheney still employed by Politico? Do they approve of lies?

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