Thursday, July 23, 2015

ILL-inois: Suburban highway commissioner apologizes for performing duties from Florida

Among the duties of an Illinois highway commissioner is snow removal. Performing that job from Florida is a new twist.

From CBS 2 Chicago:
All this week, 2 Investigator Pam Zekman has been reporting on a suburban road commissioner who has been doing his job by phone from Florida. Today, he made an apology to voters.

Oswego Township Road Commissioner Gary Grosskopf issued a written statement today defending his 26 year record on the job, but also apologizing for the negative perception of all of his Florida trips.

As we first disclosed, Gary Grosskopf's cell phone records show he was in Florida for 321 days between the end of April last year through June of this year.
Grosskopf didn't return any of Zekman's calls, or course.

The Chicago area endured another brutal winter this year--worst day was the Super Bowl Sunday blizzard.

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