Sunday, June 15, 2014

(Video) Romney says Hillary is "clueless," a "monumental bust"

While on Meet the Press this morning, Mitt Romney tore Hillary Clinton to pieces.

If spoke out this way in 2012, he'd be president now.

"She was asked whether the Bowe Bergdahl trade was one that presented a threat to the United States," Romney told host David Gregory. "And she came back with a clueless answer. She was clueless. She said, 'Look, these commandos don't represent a threat to the United States.' Well, of course they do. And then she went on to say, 'They only represent a threat to Afghanistan and Pakistan.' Are you kidding? I mean, we're in Afghanistan. And we're in Afghanistan in part to protect America's security."

As for her four years as secretary of state, Romney said Hillary was "monumental bust."

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1 comment:

Tregonsee said...

"Monumental Bust" Clearly a sexist remark!