Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tea Party dunks Cantor

The Tea Party, which the mainstream media has been declaring dead of late, just scored one of its biggest victories yet. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was defeated in a primary race by a poorly funded and nearly unknown challenger with a funny name, Dave Brat. No one is laughing now.

Cantor's embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens was the main issue in this campaign.

Main Street America has spoken. Many in this nation still care about enforcing the law--illegal aliens are lawbreakers. And they are line-jumpers--there are legal ways to become an immigrant. And despite liberal howls to the contrary, we are a fair society. What's wrong with waiting your turn?

Finally, a majority of Americans want to preserve our way of life and not devolve into a bilingual nation.

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1 comment:

Genevieve Netz said...

I just hope he can win in the fall.