Friday, March 14, 2014

(Video) Obama lies again--you can't keep your doctor under ObamaCare

"No matter what you've heard, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor under the reform proposals that we've put forward." President Obama, August 20, 2009.

Uh, not so fast there. In a WebMD interview released today, Obama said this instead, "For the average person, many folks who don’t have health insurance initially, they're going to have to make some choices and they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they’re saving money."

Well, it's debatable whether they'll be saving money, but let's be clear--Obama lied. Again.

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Anonymous said...

Place You bets please – How do you think the Left will want to use the next ‘serious crisis’? Part II

5). Raise Taxes – yes, this should be number one, after all the knee jerk reaction the have to any issue is to raise taxes and increase regulation.
6) Draconian regulation – this goes hand in hand with raising taxes. They will go through the motions of investigation why the economy blew up – and lo and behold, if all you have is a hammer ( and sickle) everything looks like a nail
Expect them to decide is our freedom that lead to this unfortunate events and fully expect them to call for a clamp down on that freedom – for the common good of course.
7). Carbon Taxes on Carbon ‘pollution’
8). Mortgage bailouts – what better way to screw the banksters and reward Obama’s friends with easy mortgage money?
With clock ticking on mortgage relief, homeowners wonder what’s ahead - Washington Post
9). Student loan bailouts – again, it’s all about spreading that wealth around.
Student debt may hurt housing recovery by hampering first-time buyers - Washington Post

Remember this isn’t all about grabbing power, it’s also about using a crisis to buy votes and future constituency loyalty – and what better way to do than with other people’s money?
Even money
Even money – these are the less obvious items on the socialists national wish list. Items they haven’t tried before but given the seriousness of the “Crisis”, are likely to be trotted out
Getting down into the more outrageous solutions – and that term outrageous being relative to the degree of the crisis.
1). Delaying the midterm elections – Obama has already set a precedent in doing this in other areas – with a sufficiently big enough crisis, this might be in the cards…
Of course this would depend on when the crisis occurs, but would anyone put ti past them to read the tea leaves about their impending political doom and trigger a crisis to forgo this ‘unfortunate’ event?
This idea was already floated as a trial balloon a few years ago
Perdue: Cancel congressional elections - Politico
Why a Republican Wave in 2014 is Looking More Likely Now national Journal
Apparently she drew the short straw to put this out there to foreshadow the idea and see what kind of reaction it gets.
2). Universal amnesty AND instant citizenship – this has been knocking around capitol hill for quite awhile now.
It’s like the monster in a B grade horror movie that keeps on coming back to life just when you think it’s dead.

Amnesty is dead! No its alive! Now it’s dead..
You can expect then to come out with this – it’s on their wish list, it’s just a question of just what they think they can get away with.

Anonymous said...

Place You bets please – How do you think the Left will want to use the next ‘serious crisis’? Part III

3). Nationalizing other industries besides healthcare and automobile.
Firearms? Oil and energy companies?

4). Granting voting rights to felons (something Obama is going to do for himself futurewise)
5). Pushing through National Socialist healthcare
Long shot
1). Declaring martial law [presumably after some coincidental] civil disturbances or terrorist attacks
2). Suspending the Constitution
Pen and a Phone anyone?
3). Banning and Confiscating guns in civilian possession
You know this has to be on their wish list
4). The creation or coalescing of state security apparatus
Obama civilian national security force - Youtube
5). Foreign UN ‘helpers to keep order