Monday, March 10, 2014

Navel gazing: Dem senator leading "marathon soliloquy" on global warming

Author on New Year's Day
Just as another snowstorm heads towards the Midwest, a Rhode Island Democratic senator, Sheldon Whitehouse, is leading what the Providence Journal is calling a "marathon soliloquy on the impending dangers of global warming" tonight in Washington with several fellow liberal senators.

It sounds like there will be a lot of navel gazing going on.
"We hope the White House is watching," Whitehouse said Friday. "We hope that the environmental community is taking heart. We hope the Republicans in the House are watching. We hope they will ask themselves, 'How smart a strategy is it for us to lash ourselves to the polluters when so many Americans are seeing evidence of climate change?'"

While Whitehouse will speak extemporaneously, some of his colleagues will speak from scripts. Among those joining the forum are Majority Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen. Charles Schumer, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Al Franken.
Yep, this will definitely be a night of navel gazing.

Durbin, who nominally represents me in the US Senate, probably won't talk about how Lake Michigan set a record for most ice cover last weekend.

More from the Providence Journal:
Lake Michigan in January
Superstorm Sandy was a wake-up call, Whitehouse said.

"If we had taken a direct hit from Sandy, it would have changed the map of Rhode Island."
No it wouldn't have.

As for Sandy, global-warming cultists love to use such storms as "proof" of climate change, but they dismiss our ongoing winter as "just weather."

Up to seven inches of snow are expected Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago.

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