Tuesday, March 18, 2014

ILL-inois: Dick Durbin wins 4th Senate term

All I can say about Illinois Republican voters is that they are only slightly dopier than Democratic ones. GOPers--probably including a few Dem crossovers, chose to nominate insipid retread Jim Oberweis over newcomer Doug Truax, a health care consultant and West Point graduate.

Oberweis has no chance of beating Durbin. None. Zero. The lifetime politician only has to point at "Obi," who spend much of last week in Florida away from the campaign trail while Illinois was hit by a snowstorm, and laugh. Oberweis and his wife claimed their Florida home as their homestead exemption--Obi's spouse has a Florida driver's license. Truax could have been a fresh choice for Illinois voters over the well-known but not much-loved Durbin, the head waiter in Harry Reid's Obama-apologist Senate.

The Illinois GOP deserves to lose elections as long as it keeps nominating gaffe-prone goofs such as Oberweis, a man who seems better suited to serving on the membership screening committee of a country club--while wearing gaudy green pants--instead representing the party of Lincoln in the Land of Lincoln.

Illinois patriots: we have a lot of work to do. It may take a generation to right our ship, but it's a task in which we must succeed.

As for Oberweis, who has lost five elections in eleven years, I will not be supporting him in November. I'm done voting for hacks with "R" next to their name on the ballot.

And I have this message to the National Republican Senatorial Committee: Don't send a nickel to Oberweis--let Obi throw away his own money. Again. The NRSC needs to spend the cash it has on viable candidates who can put make the GOP the majority party in the Senate.

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1 comment:

pathickey said...


The best chance the Milkman has against Dithering Dick would be for him to spend the balance of the campaign in quality time with the Missus in Florida - make no statements, debate not, speak not and gaffe not. Be the name on the ballot in November and allow Durbin to be Durbin.

I believe that Durbin asked the Milkman to run - that's just me.

Proof of that will be Oberweiss shooting his mouth off until even the most ardent Durbin foe would need to cast a vote against the Milkman.

The news media embargo against Dug Truax, lifted only at the 11th hour, is another indication of the Illinois rigged deck.