Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gallup poll: Most Americans don't view global warming as a threat

Morton Grove, Illinois yesterday
Liberal teachers and the mainstream media has drummed into the populace that human-caused global warming is real. But most American's don't see it as a big problem.

From USA Today:
Though two-thirds of Americans believe global warming is happening or will happen during their lifetimes, only about one-third see it as a serious threat to their way of life, a new Gallup Poll reports.

The wide perceptual gap has existed since Gallup first asked the question 17 years ago, but it has narrowed slightly. Today, 36% believe that global warming will seriously affect how they live, up from 25% in 1997.

At the same time, the percentage of people who do not see global warming hampering their lives has doubled since Gallup's first survey — from 9% to 18% in the poll taken March 6 through Sunday.

Seniors and Republicans were the most skeptical about global warming. But even a solid majority (57%) of younger Americans — those 18 to 29 — do not now foresee big threats as the climate warms and changes.
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