Friday, November 08, 2013

Obama's union buddies may get ObamaCare relief

Barack Obama, possibly the most pro-labor president ever, has been receiving some flak from union bosses over ObamaCare. Big Labor, ironically, was a key supporter in the run-up to pass the unpopular health care.

From NewsMax:
Labor unions may get tax relief from Obamacare, according to The Weekly Standard, citing a report Wednesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which analyzes healthcare issues.

"Weeks after denying labor's request to give union members access to health-law subsidies, the Obama administration is signaling it intends to exempt some union plans from one of the law's substantial taxes," according to the foundation report.

The administration says it will propose exempting "certain self-insured, self-administered plans" from the law's temporary reinsurance fee in 2015 and 2016, the report says.

That description applies to Taft-Hartley union plans acting as their own insurers and claims processors, said Edward Fensholt, a senior vice president at Lockton Cos., a large insurance broker.
More from the New York Post:
The Obama administration sneaked in a rule that would let some labor unions off the hook for an ObamaCare tax.

After publicly rejecting the unions’ request for an exemption, the Department of Health and Human Services last week quietly gave the unions a pass on what would have been a massive tax hit.

The tax, known as the reinsurance fee, requires self-insured organizations, such as unions and some large companies, to pay $63 for each covered member and an additional $63 for each additional family member on a health plan.

The fee was expected to raise $25 billion over three years, with the funds going to insurance companies to offset the cost of covering pre-existing conditions and other mandatory benefits.
The bosses should pay up like everyone else in their situation has to do. They made the ObamaCare bed--they can sleep in it now.

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