Friday, November 08, 2013

Obama's home state: Only "hundreds" of Illinoisans have signed up for ObamaCare

ObamaCare is having problems even in President Obama's home state.

The Illinois edition of the so-called Affordable Health Care Act is a big flop.

From Crain's Chicago Business:
Only hundreds of people enrolled in the Illinois health insurance exchange in October, state officials said today, offering the first glimpse into an online marketplace that has been vexed by glitches.

Insurance carriers have told state officials that "hundreds" of consumers signed up in October, said Jennifer Koehler, director of the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace. But she and Cristal Thomas, Illinois deputy governor, cautioned that it was just a guess since federal officials haven't yet provided enrollment figures.

The state officials and Michael Gelder, senior health policy adviser to Gov. Pat Quinn, briefed reporters today about the exchange at a fellowship in Chicago held by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers.
Over 12 million people live in Illinois--America's fifth-most populous state.

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