Thursday, September 26, 2013

ILL-inois: Quinn's legislator payroll stunt ruled unconstitutional

Old State Capitol
Illinois' inept governor, Chicago Democrat Pat Quinn, claimed that he was "put on earth" to fix the worst-funded-in-the-nation pension system 525 days ago.

But this summer he put the blame on General Assembly for not coming up with a solution. So he decided to punish them by not paying them.

Both chambers, by the way, are ruled by a Democratic super-majority.

Today a Cook County judge ruled that Quinn's payroll stunt was unconstitutional and he ordered the state treasurer to pay the legislators.

Meanwhile ILL-inois' pension debt--which is $100 billion--keeps growing.

UPDATE Sept 27: Quinn is appealing the decision--and wants the courts to allow him to prevent the lawmakers from receiving their paychecks. Move on, Quinn, you lost, it's time to fix what you were "put on earth" to do.

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