Friday, October 12, 2012

(Video) Scandalous: Cutter: "Benghazi only an issue because of Romney and Ryan"

Hatchetwoman Stephanie Cutter, the Obama campaign's deputy campaign manager, proved that she has no sense of decency when she told CNN yesterday that "Benghazi is only an issue because of Romney and Ryan."

Four Americans are dead--including our ambassador to Libya. And for weeks the White House has hemmed and hawed, and yes, lied to the American people about this tragedy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

State Dept. downgraded security in Libya before deadly attack, ex-officer claims
Source: The Washington Post, Oct 10 2012, 10:34am CDT

State Dept. acknowledges rejecting requests for more security in Benghazi

The State Department acknowledged Wednesday that it rejected appeals for more security at its diplomatic posts in Libya in the months before a fatal terrorist attack in Benghazi as Republicans suggested that lapses contributed to the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

Barack Hussein Obama has the ultimate responsibility for the Downgraded security in Benghazi.

Despite what Cutter would like to claim.