Sunday, September 16, 2012

(Video) Reagan in 1980: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

Wow. Mitt Romney could almost verbatim use the greatest moment in presidential debate history--Ronald Reagan's "Are you better off? closing to the sole 1980 debate against the inept Jimmy Carter.

Romney will have three debates against the another hopeless president next month.

Here is a transcript:
Next Tuesday is Election Day. Next Tuesday all of you will go to the polls, will stand there in the polling place and make a decision.

I think when you make that decision, it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago? Is America as respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions yes, why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have. This country doesn't have to be in the shape that it is in. We do not have to go on sharing in scarcity with the country getting worse off, with unemployment growing. We talk about the unemployment lines. If all of the unemployed today were in a single line allowing two feet for each of them, that line would reach from New York City to Los Angeles, California.
Soaring gas prices...our embassies under attack...high's all back again thanks to failed liberal policies.

Related posts:

Marathon Pundit's Ronald Reagan Trail
Report from Tampico, Illinois on Reagan's 100th birthday
Midwestern Presidential Pathway: Dixon, a shining city upon a hill
Midwestern Presidential Pathway: Ronald Reagan's Dixon, Illinois
New Reagan statue in Dixon, Illinois

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