Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oops, they did it again: Obama White House revises economic numbers downward

As it is wont, that hyper-politicized Obama administration revised an economic report.  Of course the initial report was more favorable to the regime. The latest deception are the second quarter GDP numbers.

From MarketWatch:
The government cut its calculation of U.S. growth in the second quarter to 1.3% from 1.7% in its third and final review, citing less consumer spending and business investment than previously estimated. Consumer spending rose 1.5% in the previous quarter instead of 1.7% as initially forecast. And business investment, excluding residential housing, was revised down to a 3.6% increase from 4.2%. The government also said corporate profits climbed $21.8 billion in the second quarter, compared to a $53.0 billion decline in the first quarter. The economy grew at a 2.0% pace in the first three months of the year.
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