Thursday, August 30, 2012

(Video) Highlights of Paul Ryan's RNC speech

Paul Ryan, the so-called policy wonk, took President Obama to the mat last night during his speech at the Republican National Convention.

Here are some highlights:

Of the $862 billion stimulus, Ryan said, "That money wasn't just wasted. It was borrowed, spent, and wasted."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, now that Paul Ryan has lied about his marathon, I assume you'll be holding him to the same standard that you held John Kerry to.,0,697743.story

As any marathon runner knows, a sub-3:00 hour marathon is a true accomplishment and claiming to have done it when you were actually an hour slower is the height of mendacity. Why not just take pride in having run the race rather than claiming to be better than you are? I guess Ryan can't open his mouth without letting a lie out. I'm sure you'll be posting about this, since you are the "marathon pundit."