Monday, July 09, 2012

Parody: The Obamma Effect

Until someone made the mistake of sending me a promotional email about a movie entitled The Obama Effect, I had no idea it existed. The film, which will be released on Friday, is about a man who falls for the Obama Cult of Personality.

If you must, you can watch the trailer here.

This movie is perfectly positioned for a parody, albeit not a very funny one..

From The Obama Effect web site:
A serious health scare ignites John Thomas, an insurance salesman in his 50’s (played by writer/director Charles S. Dutton) to take a closer look at his life. Motivated by a misguided [their wording, not mine] obsession with getting Barack Obama elected, John takes an overwhelming involvement in the presidential campaign. While John becomes obsessed with the ideal of change that Obama represents for Americans, he has in turn neglected to create positive change in his own life, particularly with regard to his health and familial relationships.
It goes on....
John works to get back on the right path with his health and family as Obama soars to success in the campaign.
Here's my outline of what will happen if Obama is reelected; I'm calling my movie--to keep the lawyers off of my back--The Obamma Effect.
Jon, a 63 year-old owner of a manufacturing firm in a small Midwestern city, is a political agnostic. That changes after three years of Obama's assault on business. But his anti-Obama activity is limited to voting for Mitt Romney in the general election--which Obama wins. During Obama's second term, an SEIU "ambush" election unionizes Jon's company. The union bosses bring in their relatives and cronies to work as supervisors, drastically driving up labor costs--while product quality plummets. His business fails and hundreds of workers are suddenly jobless. Jon of course loses his employer-based health insurance, as does everybody else who worked there--they are forced to purchase insurance from a ObamaCare state-run provider. The strain proves to be too much for Jon--he suffers a heart attack. ObamaCare's "death panel," the Independent Payment Advisory Board, refuses to approve the necessary heart-bypass surgery for Benjamin--he dies shortly after learning this news.

As for Jon's city, the shuttering of his firm, abetted by the continued stagnation of the Obama economy, initiates a domino-effect of business failures, leading to a new sociological phenomenon dubbed "the Detroit Syndrome."

And it spreads to other towns.
Hmm...I forgot to add "spoiler alert." Sorry 'bout that.

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