Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Occupy Chicago, sans police, conducting own investigation of missing 16 year-old girl

Occupy Chicago May Day March
Occupy Chicago's avoidance of the police is pathological. During the "Battle of Michigan and Cermak" after the anti-NATO march, I saw occupiers lead bloodied protesters past police officers into its own makeshift medic area.

The response of normal people would be to tell the police to send ambulances.

Breitbart.com has a story about a case of a missing 16 year-old girl last seen with someone named Nemo. Occupy Chicago, rather than contact the cops, is conducting its own investigation.

My prayers are with the 16 year-old.

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1 comment:

21JS said...

Oh, yeah, expect them to ask the police who beat them to help them? Come on, sir. You're better than this. This is low.