Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quinn the megalomaniac on IL pension mess, he "was put on earth to get this done"

God wills it!
Reporting from FreedomWorks' BlogCon in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Last year in response to criticism that he hadn't yet visited Cairo--which barely escaped destruction from Mississippi and Ohio River flooding--Illinois' hapless governor compared himself World War II Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall. The comparison is farcical, Marshall achieved unmatched success--defeating the Axis and later devising the Marshall Plan.

Despite massive 'temporary' income tax hikes last year--Illinois still has an $8 billion deficit.

In regards to Illinois' drastically underfunded pensions, Quinn said yesterday that he
"was put on earth to get this done."

If that is the case--Quinn, who has been governor for over two years--needs to explain why he did virtually nothing to fix the pension bomb until now. Secondly, the Chicago Democrat twice ran as the running mate of current federal prisoner Rod Blagojevich, who presided over six years of pension-underfunding. Quinn is no babe in the woods--he was a beneficiary of Blago's dirty campaign money in 2002 and 2006.

Was Quinn also put on this earth to be Blago's running mate? If divine intervention really gave us Quinn, why was he so quiet when the hair-brained one was governor and the pension taxi-meter was running up an unfathomable fare.

Related post:

Pat Quinn compares himself to Gen. George C. Marshall

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WELL I WILL say this he's tryin ....gettin serious enough to threatin the congress that if they dont come to an agreement they must stay till they do...far differnent from a no plan pundit whose throwin brickbats at the back of his head from the edge of the crowd.....what's yer plan lad? help us out here...