Also in New York, you will learn in my related post that the immature protesters there taunted police officers with donuts on strings.
And Michael Moore erupted again.
Big Government: Occupy Wall Street is broke
San Francisco Chronicle: Occupy activists pitch tents in Oakland park
NECN: Occupy protester convicted of trespass in Maine
AP: SC House moving quickly to toss protesters
The Blaze: 'No Chores': Occupy's May Day strike targets 1 percent and…parents?
Big Government: Occupy Wall Street tries to occupy Union Square
NewsOne: How Occupy Wall Street co-opted the Million Hoodie March
Business Insider: New docs show Occupy Wall Street was a political nightmare for Obama's Homeland Security Department
WyBlog: DHS, IRS told to avoid monitoring #Occupy, but focus intently on Tea Party
Radio Netherlands Worldwide: Court orders Occupy Amsterdam to dismantle
The Blaze: 'Real News' panel ponders: what's the fate of OWS?
From Michael Moore. Monterey County Weekly: To kill the greed beast, you must chop off its head, and that means continually targeting Wall Street
KATV-TV: Homeless man arrested at Occupy Little Rock for 2010 crime
Boston Globe: Two protesters held after Occupy march
You mean they haven't started? Rolling Stone: Why Occupy needs to start making demands
Save Jersey: Guest Post: An open letter to Occupy Wall Street from a New York City police officer
Citizen WElls: Obama statements on capitalism echoed by Occupy movement and 1984, Obama Hyde Park Citizen 1995 interview, Income inequality, Orwellian lies
The Right Scoop: Obama 1995: 'Scapegoat' the top 5%
Related post:
Video: Occupy brats taunt cops with donuts on strings
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