They're people who are not like us.
I have more on the vandalism in St. Louis where a "mostly peaceful" Midwest Occupy regional conference took place.
An an occupier in Maine will be occupying a cell for a year. The "mostly peaceful" protester attacked another occupier by hitting him in the head with a hatchet.
People not like us.
Gateway Pundit: Video captures #occupiers dumping giant tubs of feces In NYC bank lobbies
Reuters: New York police eject Occupy protesters, arrest six
He used a hatchet. WCSH-TV: Man gets year in prison for Occupy Maine assault
Guardian: Occupy Oakland protesters issued city hall 'stay-away' orders
The Denver Channel: Fence at Civic Center clears out Occupy Denver encampment
Big Journalism: Progressive media fawns over Occupy violence
New Zealand Herald: Christchurch Occupy protesters to be evicted
WorldNetDaily: Snagged! Occupy tells protesters to break law
Hack Wilson: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street
Gateway Pundit: #Occupy Midwest protesters deface 100 year-old St. Louis memorial to civil rights hero
Big Journalism: Did St. Louis City suppress story on Occupy violence?
Breitbart TV: Wall Street occupier's shirtless rant on top of George Washington statue
Big Journalism: Occupy riots all part of the business plan
Rude. The DCist: Occupy D.C. interrupts the evening. Twice.
Big Government: New York City finally stands up to Occupy
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1 comment:
The poop-dumper was reportedly arrested for possession of noxious material. So I looked at the "noxious material" statute, and there is nothing in it about poop!
Instead, it's a law against pepper spray and stun guns. He had a stun gun in his vehicle. That means he was actually arrested, not for poop-dumping, but for the stun gun! Don't believe me? See:
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