Chicago Teachers Union protesters at Occupy Chicago |
OWS takes an unusual interest in arcane education issues. In Iowa it is protesting online education, next week it will demonstrate against standardized testing in Washington.
Both items are anathema to the teachers unions--which has me wondering: Is the 'leaderless' Occupy movement being goaded into action by government-school unions?
Are there occupiers teaching in your kids' taxpayer-supported schools?
There's a heavy Marxist element writing Occupy. So it's nice to learn that the Pope has spoken out against communism, declaring that it "No longer corresponds to reality."
Nor does the Occupy movement.
Des Moines Register: Occupy Des Moines protests online schools
Washington Post: 'Occupy' the Ed Department starts Friday
San Francisco Chronicle: Occupy activists leave Oakland park
However...Weasel Zippers: Militant Occupy Oakland declares "Start of the spring offensive"…
TV NZ: Occupy Christchurch protesters pack-up
Breitbart TV: Occupiers tear up Wall St. in name of Trayvon Martin
Big Government: Media ignores Occupy's violent hijacking of Trayvon Martin
Breitbart TV: Newt: Obama's Trayvon Martin remarks 'disgraceful', 'divisive'
Westword: Occupy Denver at six months: Ten unintended consequences of the movement
KARK-TV: Occupy Little Rock's $30,000 price tag
Weasel Zippers: Occupiers rejoice! Federal judge rules law banning American flag desecration law can't be enforced…
Nor should they. CBS St. Louis: St. Louis Police offer no apologies to Occupy movement
I thought Occupy was street theater. Bradenton Herald: Occupy Bradenton takes to the theater
The Virginian-Pilot: Occupy Norfolk protesters found guilty of trespassing
There are a lot of Marxists within Occupy. American Power: Pope Benedict XVI slams communism: Marxist ideology 'No longer corresponds to reality'
Big Government: "Women of the 99%' illegal robocalls continue: Where is the GOP?
Occupy Arrests: 6,823 arrests.
Related posts:
Video: Chicago Teachers Union organizer welcomes Occupy Chicago to new home
Video: Romney supports teachers but not teachers unions
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