Monday, March 12, 2012

Media bias: LA Times shilling for Obama on gas prices

In an article that could have been written by Obama/Biden 2012, the Los Angeles Times writes lovingly about American oil production and writes, truly, that domestic petroleum production is the highest it's been since 2003.

Basing its findings on a Obama administration report, the Times performs the work of the campaign.

The article doesn't mention the pro-drilling policies of Obama's predecessor, rather it gives credit to "decisions energy companies made during the George W. Bush administration to develop key reservoirs."

It takes five to ten years for new areas to become productive in terms of oil, and who was president then? Not Obama, as you know.

The Obama White House is dragging its feet in approving new drilling permits on federal land, it has blocked most of our offshore areas from petroleum development, it refuses to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be build, and it won't consider drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Oil production is up in spite of Obama's policies, not because of them.

The Chicago Tribune republished the Times piece.

For more on this subject, read this report from the Heritage Foundation.

If Obama win reelection, what will gasoline cost ten years from now?

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