Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Santorum wins Colorado Caucuses

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Rick Santorum pulled off a hat trick yesterday, winning the Colorado and Minnesota Caucuses as well as the Missouri Primary.

In Colorado, Santorum did well in rural counties, Mitt Romney prevailed in urban ones. However, Romney won a couple of sparsely populated counties in the northwestern part of the state with large Mormon populations.

"I don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, I stand here as an alternative to Barack Obama," Santorum asserted last night.

While Romney had a bad night, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul--the latter typically does well in caucus states--had worse ones.

Saturday the Maine Caucuses will be held--which should provided needed good news for Romney.

Related post:

Santorum's big night: Wins Missouri and Minnesota

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