The people were united, they are now divided |
We have more evictions in today's collection and you will see in the related post that a "Fuck the Police" rally will be held in Denver tomorrow.
AP: Occupy Wall Street isn't behind Philly conference
NBC Dallas-Fort Worth: Occupy protesters ejected from Dallas school board meeting
Rude. Boston Herald: Occupy Cape Cod protesters disrupt auction
Salon: Occupy Nothing in Manhattan
National Journal: Parents furious as Occupy Toronto assignment has students writing protest slogans for class work
I thought it was about greed. BBC: Occupy Boscombe protesters take over Dorset arts centre
Everett News Tribune: State tells campers with Occupy Tacoma to depart by Sunday
Stuff: $350,000 to remove Occupy Auckland
Big Government: Occupier Marisa Holmes and the professional left's Soviet style power grab at Occupy Wall Street
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Gerri Willis supports Occupy Occupy D.C. lunch-in on Fox Business Network
Big Government: Occupy and 'planned civil disobedience'
Richmond Times-Dispatch: Threatening letters: Occupy terrorism?
They breed, too. Verum Serum: Occupy baby born in cab with assist from NYFD
Yes, I thought it was about greed. Huffington Post: Why we must occupy our food supply
Related post:
Occupy Denver and Anonymous will participate in a "F*ck the Police" rally
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