Two Illinois congressmen issued statements about this legislation. The House Chief Deputy Whip, Peter Roskam (R-Wheaton), said this:
Roskam Applauds House Passage of Major Bipartisan Regulatory Relief BillRep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Manteno) also issued a statement:
"It's time the Senate votes on the REINS Act and the 25 other House-passed bipartisan jobs bills that would immediately remove barriers to job creation."
WASHINGTON – Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06) issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 10, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. Roskam and Majority Whip McCarthy co-authored an op-ed on National Review Online this morning discussing the REINS Act and House Republicans' work to help job creators. Read the op-ed here.
The REINS Act is a bipartisan solution to solve much of the regulatory madness that’s destroying jobs and blocking economic growth. Appropriate and responsible regulations are important, helping to keep us safe and our environment clean. Yet Washington has become a red-tape factory stunting job creation with a dizzying amount of federally imposed regulations written by unaccountable bureaucrats. The REINS Act would require congressional approval for regulations that cost $100 million annually – 219 of which are currently proposed by the administration – disproportionally affecting small businesses. This would ensure that regulations that make sense become the law of the land, while those that would devastate job growth are shelved. On top of ensuring that unelected bureaucrats do not impose these behind a cloak of darkness, the REINS Act would also bring transparency and accountability to an all-too-secretive policy making arena.
This is the 26th House-passed jobs bill just sitting in the U.S. Senate, even though job creators tell Congress that regulatory relief is what our economy needs. It's time the Senate votes on the REINS Act and the 25 other House-passed bipartisan jobs bills that would immediately remove barriers to job creation.
Kinzinger Supports Legislation to REIN-in Excessive Regulations on Job CreatorsTechnorati tags:
Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), a co-sponsor of H.R. 10, The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, issued the following statement upon House passage:
"Currently, under the Obama administration there are 4,257 new regulations in the works, 219 of which will cost over $100 million annually. The REINS Act requires Congress to take an up-or-down vote on all major regulations imposed by federal agencies that have an economic impact of $100 million or more. This legislation holds elected officials accountable to these rules and regulations coming out of Washington, rather than allow bureaucrats in executive branch agencies to force costly regulations onto the backs of job creators.
"Since coming to Washington, I have been working with small business owners all around the 11th District to find out what needs to be done to help them grow and create jobs. Several of these business owners, including Jerry Halterman, owner of HR Imaging Partners Inc., cite stifling regulations as an impediment on their business' ability to thrive.
"The nameless, faceless bureaucrats who created the onerous regulations are not kept on the hook for the damaging impact they have on businesses -- so who is? If we expect job creators to abide by these regulations, folks deserve to know who is responsible for their implementation. The REINS Act will hold elected officials in Washington accountable for the major rules imposed on businesses and increase the level of transparency in the federal regulatory process."
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