Union Square, San Francisco |
And I have a fresh batch of occtrocities.
American Power: Occupy Los Angeles to be evicted from City Hall park
The Right Scoop: Occupy Indianapolis recruits homeless to keep protests going
Gateway Pundit: Occupy Black Friday protesters call Walmart shoppers "CUM-sumer whores" (Video)
Huffington Post Business: Black Friday: Occupy protests discourage shopping on one of Retail's biggest days
Seattle Post Intellegincer: PHOTOS: Occupy Seattle protests at Walmart
ABC 6 Philadelphia: Philadelphia mayor gives Occupy Philly 48 hours
A Newly Conservative Lesbian: I am the 99 percent manifesto send-up
Westworld: Occupy Denver: Protesters confront Governor Hickenlooper during benefit (VIDEO) (At a rescue mission!)
People's Press Collective: Free Markets Free People Rally on December 3rd, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. (Denver)
LaborUnionReport: "Is Socialism possible in the United States?" Socialists, unions & #OWS think so
AP: Bloomington Occupy protest rankles businesses
Big Government: Occupy Wall Street: The implications on the Bill of Rights
...With Both Hands: Irony Spring 2012 - Chicago and world anarchists to welcome Nobel laureates and the G-8/NATO summits
The Christian Post: Buy Nothing Day, not Black Friday? Occupy Xmas begins
Right Wing News: And now they want to Occupy Christmas
SFist: OccupySF descends on Union Square for Black Friday protest
Jammie Wearing Fools: Occufail: SF shoppers ignore protesters
Small Dead Animals: The modern left: Unhappy, miserable souls
New York Times: The ad man behind Occupy Wall Street, and "Buy Nothing Day"
Washington Post: Why African Americans aren't embracing Occupy Wall Street
Gateway Pundit: Terrorist Bill Ayers to teach on radical theory at #Occupy Harrisburg
Big Government: *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The rap sheet, so far
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