Weekly Standard: Obama to Occupy Wall St. Protesters: "You are the reason I ran for office."
Gateway Pundit: IT WAS ALL A STUNT… #Occupy Goons heckle Obama – Then rush to stage for a little kissie-kissie after rally
Perez Hilton: Conan sends Triumph to Occupy Wall Street! Essestial, but NSFW.
Hot Air: ACLU: Occupy MN has right to unrestricted use of public property — and free electricity, too
Valley News Live: Occupy Minn. protester treated for hypothermia
Westworld: Occupy Denver votes on statement to protect female and LGBTQ presence within its ranks
Daily Kos: Occupy Thanksgiving: How to talk with your conservative relative(s) over a little turkey
American Power: Robert Reich: Occupy Democracy
Brian Koenig: Occupy Wall Street plans to Occupy Black Friday
San Francisco Chronicle: As police watch, Occupy Oakland leaves lot
Vancouver Sun: Occupy protesters demand free education, $10M cut in city fees
Gateway Pundit: Stunner… 19 year-old "pregnant" Occupy Seattle woman who said she lost baby is a "compulsive liar" & "drama queen"
The Jawa Report: Occupy Seattle unhealthy and unsafe
OWS Exposed: DC occupier arrested on accusation of sexual assault
Washington Post: Occupy Charleston protesters arrested after trying to spend night in downtown park
CBC News: Occupy Toronto camp sees police move in
San Francisco Chronicle: Santa Rosa Occupy campers without permits evicted
Spiked: Occupy: the sad reality and the mad fantasies
Gateway Pundit: Obama's #Occupy degenerates have cost taxpayers at least $13 million so far
Say Anything: Ron Paul town hall gets "occupied"
Slightly off topic, but worth a look. Daily Caller: 'Patriotic millionaires' demand higher taxes, but unwilling to pay up [VIDEO]
Big Government: *UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The rap sheet, so far
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