Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Huntsman statement on CNBC debate

Monument Valley, Utah
Jon Huntsman had a good debate tonight in the CNBC debate in Rochester, Michigan...although the only person (I think) who has ever run for president who speaks Mandarin deserved more than a 30 second rebuttal on a China question.

From a Huntsman campaign press release:
Manchester, NH - After tonight's CNBC's Presidential Debate, Huntsman Campaign Manager Matt David released the following statement statement:
This evening Governor Huntsman capitalized on a wave of momentum for his campaign by distinguishing himself as the principled, consistent leader that is best-equipped to defeat President Obama next November.

He discussed his bold jobs plan which has been lauded by the Wall Street Journal, and highlighted his record as a conservative problem-solver who signed historic tax cuts, tripled the state's rainy day fund, signed the nation's second school voucher bill and passed health care reform without a Massachusetts mandate.

Slick soundbites and slogans won’t create jobs, stabilize our housing market or address too-big-to-fail. Governor Huntsman’s bold reforms – which are grounded in his experience as a governor, businessman, and ambassador – can.

The American people have lost trust in their elected leaders' ability to solve problems, not help create them. They deserve a serious leader with a bold vision to restore our nation's greatness. That's Jon Huntsman.
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