Friday, October 14, 2011

Video: Jesse Jr, "Congress is in rebellion"

North Carolina's Democratic governor called for Congress to suspend elections until the economy is fixed last month. Now Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) is calling for President Obama to "declare a national emergency." He also emitted, "On several occasions now, we've seen, quite frankly, that Congress is in rebellion."

Junior is facing a tough primary challenge for Debbie Halvorson, who was defeated for reelection in a different district last year. She issued this statement:

"In Rep. Jackson's entire congressional career, he has never introduced a single jobs bill," said Halvorson. "Now, he's calling on the president to suspend the constitution? As a representative of the people, you don't give up when you hit a roadblock and throw the constitution out the window – you keep working to get something done. The people of the 2nd district deserve real leadership, not rhetoric."

In Jackson's sixteen years in Congress, Jackson has proposed ten separate amendments to the Constitution – none have passed.
A House ethics probe of Junior's alleged fundraising offer for since-disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was suspended at the request of federal prosecutors while they tried the hair-brained one. When will the ethics query start up again?

Clearly, Junior has inherited his father's crazy genes.

Hat tip to Capitol Fax.

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