Herman Cain at TeaCon 2011, October 1, Schaumburg, Illinois.
And oh yes, the EPA needs an attitude adjustment. I've written about EPA overreach closing states because of its new Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. Now I turn to my state. Downstate Illinois will soon have 90 fewer jobs.
From the Chicago Tribune:
Ameren Corp. will shutter its Meredosia and Hutsonville power plants by the end of the year, eliminating 90 jobs.The Obama White House is killing jobs, but it sees no problem with shoveling half-a-billion dollars into a sink hole such as Solyndra.
The company said complying with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules requiring the reduction of air pollutants would require installing expensive environmental controls at the 203-megawatt coal-fired unit and 166 MW oil-fired unit at Meredosia Energy Ceneter and the two coal-fired units at Hutsonville Energy Center, which total 151MW.
The plants provided about 4 percent of Ameren's total generation over the last two years and a lesser percentage of margin, the company said.
The move comes as other fossil fuel-fired plant operators across the country are shuttering plants rather than pay for equipment to control the pollution. Already tens of thousands of megawatts of coal-fired power has gone offline and more is expected.
Related posts:
EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule could lead to rolling outages
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From Doug Ross: Attention AFL-CIO, IBEW, Teamsters and UMW members, your Christmas gift from the White House is 116,000 layoffs
Herman Cain at TeaCon 2011, video of his press conference, and media bias
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