Saturday, September 17, 2011

Union-Leader praises Newt on Social Security

New Hampshire's most important newspaper, the Union Leader, praises Newt Gingrich's common-sense view on Social Security:

In last Monday's CNN-Tea Party candidates' encounter, Republican presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich made an excellent point regarding who may be scaring whom the most on the subject of Social Security. He was not very concerned about the verbal tussle going on between Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, Gingrich said, not when President Barack Obama is telling the country he couldn't guarantee that Social Security checks would go out last month.

"Now, why should young people who are 16 to 25 years old have politicians have the power for the rest of their life to threaten to take away their Social Security?" Gingrich asked.

Obama partisans defended their man’s outrageous claim, made twice, by saying if the debt-ceiling issue hadn’t been resolved, the government wouldn’t have enough money to pay all its bills. That is debatable, but it is without question that Social Security would have been a top priority.
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