The Senate Republican Communication Center goes into the details.
Technorati tags:New Stimulus, Same Old Promises
There Are At Least 1.7 Million Reasons To Be Skeptical Of President Obama’s Latest Jobs Prediction
1,705,000 Fewer Jobs Since The First Stimulus Passed In February 2009
NEW STIMULUS PROMISE: 'Obama Said His Proposal Would Create 1.9 Million Jobs'"At a private fundraiser last night, Obama said his proposal would create 1.9 million jobs, while reducing the 9.1% unemployment rate by a percentage point…" (“Obama: My Bill Will Create 1.9 Million Jobs,” USA Today, 9/16/11)
OLD STIMULUS PROMISE: ‘4 Million Jobs’PRESIDENT OBAMA: "It's A Plan That Will Save Or Create Up To 4 Million Jobs Over The Next Two Years." (President Obama, Town Hall Meeting, Fort Myers, FL, 2/10/09)
· OBAMA: "… My Bottom Line Is, Are We Creating 4 Million Jobs?" (President Obama, Press Conference, 2/9/09)
VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: In "18 months" stimulus will "create 3.5 million jobs … literally drop-kicks us out of this recession." (Vice President Biden, Remarks At Recover Plan Implementation Meeting, The White House, 2/25/09)
· BIDEN: "In my wildest dreams, I never thought it would work this well.” ("Biden On Stimulus: 'Never Thought It Would Work This Well,'" The Wall Street Journal, 9/24/09)
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "This bill creates 3.5 million jobs." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 2/11/09)
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