Joe Walsh at 9/12 Tea Party, Morton Grove, IL |
From a Walsh press release:
Rep. Walsh Announces Small Business Job ForumTechnorati tags:
"Small businesses, not more big government spending and regulations, are the key to pulling America out of this recession."
WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Joe Walsh announced plans to hold a small business job forum next Thursday night, September 8, 2011 in his home district in Illinois. Walsh is chair of the House Small Business Committee's Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access and will be flying to Illinois after votes on Thursday night and returning to the Capitol before votes on Friday morning.
I don't see the point in being a prop for another of the president's speeches asking for more failed stimulus spending and more subsidies for his pet projects. Instead, I will fly back to Illinois right after Thursday’s votes to talk to small businessmen and women, the real job creators, about creating real jobs.Details and the location of the forum will be released shortly.
Lowering taxes and freeing small businesses from burdensome red tape, not more stimulus packages and government regulations, are the keys to pulling America out of this recession. Small Businesses represent 99 percent of all employer firms and employ about half of all private sector employees. They are the ones that create jobs and generate economic growth.
It's time to stop the same Washington D.C. "politics as usual" that got us into this mess. The President needs to stop the speeches, get out of his office and away from all the White House academics, and start talking to real people out there. They're the ones who are going to create the jobs, not White House paper-pushers and bureaucrats. As chairman of the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access, I have made it my mission to help American small businesses create jobs and put America back to work.
Just one more Republican showing disrespect for the office of the president. I can guarantee that if a Democrat tried even half the crap these guys have while a Republican held the office, (starting with calling the president a liar on the floor of the House) the right-wing corporate media would have a field day. Why does Walsh and his ilk hate this country so much?
How many foreign leaders has Obama bowed down to?
Well, if you want to go with non sequiturs, how many Saudi sheiks did George Bush hold hands with? I assume the answer would be that he was doing so to show respect, no? Same with the bow. That does not answer the question of why Republicans have shown unprecedented disrespect for the president. Of course, the answer was provided three years ago by the party's leader, Rush Limbaugh--Obama must fail, regardless of the cost to this country. That's true patriotism.
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