Issa Launches Postal Reform Website
WASHINGTON. D.C.- Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, today launched, an interactive portal filled with information, resources and videos on the United States Postal Service and its dire financial situation. The website also features the Postal Reform App, which offers visitors a chance to review the facts and indicate which solutions to address the Postal Service's challenges they prefer.Technorati tags:
"The USPS is fast-approaching default and without serious reforms it will collapse and be unable to meet payroll as early as next year," Issa said. "The American people will not accept the bailout of yet another failing institution which is why Congress must act to put the Postal Service on a sustainable course. Go to to learn more about the Postal Service, see our reforms and get involved in crafting your own solutions."
On June 23, 2011, Rep. Issa and Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., Chairman of the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy, introduced H.R. 2309, the Postal Reform Act of 2011, which would implement sweeping, structural reforms to the USPS in order to bring the institution back to fiscal solvency. Click here to get the facts on the Postal Reform Act of 2011.
The Postmaster General has announced that on September 30, 2011, he expects the United States Postal Service to default on payments to the U.S. taxpayer. Last year, USPS lost $8.5 billion and is projected to lose $9 billion in FY 2011. Find out what Postal Service default means to you here.
Visit for more information, including facts on the Issa-Ross Plan and the latest news on Postal Service reform.
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