Friday, August 05, 2011

PolitiFact: Reid's "pants on fire" lie on 8 million jobs lost during Bush presidency

The St. Petersburg Times Pulitzer Prize winning PolitFact has "awarded" Senat Majority Leader Harry Reid's claim that 8 million jobs were lost during the George W. Bush presidency as a "pants on fire" lie.

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Greybeard said...

Interesting, John...
In light of this S&P downgrade
I went back and found an old comment by Rob_n, then attempted to go to his blog to see how he was spinning this catastrophe.
Guess what?
He's disappeared...
Just like the value of our currency.
(I wonder if he's still keeping his tires PROPERLY inflated?) ;>)
We are SO screwed.

Marathon Pundit said...

Chains, as in debtor prison, we don't believe in, GB.